Opportunities to Serve
Join a Ministry Team
Welcoming; greeters, hospitality, new comer follow-up
Children/Youth Ministry: teachers, directors, helpers
Praise Team: singers, artists, musicians
Worship: sound, recording, media, ushers, congregational prayer
Inreach: event planning, retreats, potlucks, meals on wheels
Outreach: invitational events, community outreach, etc.
Community Group: group leaders, co-leaders, training
Diaconal Ministry
In Acts 6, Deacons were installed to assist the ministry of the Gospel by mobilizing the body toward mercy ministry. Deacons are elected by the church. They undergo formal training and are interviewed by the ruling elders. The role of Deacons in the church is to serve the congregation in its physical needs and to encourage the congregation to love and provide good deeds for others in need.
The Deacon’s Fund is set aside by our church to help those in our community with financial needs. Please let us know if you or someone you know needs our attention. Recipients are required to fill out an application, and must have an interview with members of the diaconal ministry team. You may also financially GIVE to this fund directly. Please designate these funds by writing “Deacon’s Fund” in the memo.